A Short Sci-Fi Film In a world where artificial intelligence has become omnipresent, explorers return to their once familiar homeland, seeking to uncover the cause of its desolation. Equipped with advanced cognitive systems, they form an unprecedented symbiosis between human thought and machine. Isolated in unfamiliar terrain, Moira finds herself stranded, embarking on an odyssey – a journey not only for survival but also for enlightenment.

Directed by: Rémi Rakeem Homan & Antonín Kindl - Written by: Rémi Rakeem Homan, Antonín Kindl, Can Oksas, Xenia Lodewijks - Screenplay: Antonín Kindl - Cinematographer: Rémi Rakeem Homan - Gaffer: Antonín Kindl - Lead Cast: Xenia Lodewijks - Editor: Rémi Rakeem Homan - Assistant Editor: Antonín Kindl - Colorist: Antonín Kindl - Visual Effects: Antonín Kindl - CGI: Can Oksas - Sound : Illiya Korniyenko, Rémi Rakeem Homan - Driver & Assistant: Dion Gerbers
Special Thanks: Czech Space Agency, HKU, The Purple Beast